It’s unfortunate that one has to state things like this so broadly and clearly, and even still there will undoubtedly be some form or misinterpretation. But here we are. The contents and statements found on this website and blog are the sole opinions of the author. As such they should never be mistaken as the opinion of anyone but the author. The are not a representation or reflection of any professional or private associates or acquaintances of the author in any way, shape, or form.

1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
2. A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert.
3. A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing.
I always try to state that unless I’m referencing something directly, that I am giving my opinion, my perspective, my individual viewpoint on a subject. I think that this is important particularly in the time we live in where things like inflection and tone are almost non-existent in how information spreads.
Opinions are great things. Personal opinions, as in ones that a singular person has and does not expect everyone to have besides themselves are especially great things. They are a signal of someone’s experiences and beliefs, likely formed over the course of their entire lives. Opinions can change. Mine have changed many times over the course of my life, and I’ll be the first to admit that I feel some the opinions I have had in the past I no longer agree with.
It can be somewhat remarkable these days how many feel that their opinions are the ones that everyone should conform to when it’s often conflicting opinions or a differing of opinion that has pushed many of us forward. But I digress.
Everything, EVERYTHING written on this blog is my opinion. I try not to state my opinions in a fashion of a right opinion or a wrong opinion, but in case in my lack of editing I do state it as such, know that everything is intended to be stated as an opinion.
I do not believe this absolves me of all wrong. I can be wrong. I can admit to myself and others that I’m wrong. You may even see me change or find counterpoints of my own opinions within the same post. It happens. I am not flawless.
By all manner I expect some people to disagree with my opinions, and that is wonderful. Know that I do not expect anyone to automatically agree with everything I state in this blog.
With that said, I hope you enjoy what you find here. My wish is that perhaps what you find here gives you pause to form your own opinions. In that, I will feel this endeavor has fulfilled it’s purpose.