Category: Test Category

  • Momentary Stars

    (Blogtober Day 11) Something that took me a while to really understand in sound design and mixing is how to find the restraint that is sometimes needed to not make everything loud all the time. It’s a super easy trap to fall into, and boy did I ever fall into it early in my career.…

  • Applying Vonnegut To Gaming Pt. 2

    (Blogtober Day 10) So picking up from yesterday’s Blogtober entry applying some creative writing tips from the late author Kurt Vonnegut and seeing if I can apply them to game development… “Start as close to the end as possible.” This is an interesting one to try to apply to game development as there can be…

  • Docu-mentality

    (Blogtober Day 4) I am a big fan of documentation in game development. I enjoy reading it, but I really like making it. In my opinion, its one of the best ways to spread information on a team. But I aspire to do more than that with my documentation. I want to draw a reader…

  • What Is Voice Design

    (Blogtober Day 1) First things first. What is Blogtober? Blogtober is a challenge to write a blog or article each day, every day in the month of October. 31 posts in 31 days. Please wish me luck! What Is Voice Over Design? Voice Over Design is a practice and/or discipline within interactive game development in…